Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Biking the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail in Anchorage

Today was rather dreary. Expecting wet weather, we brought rain suits which we kept from our last Alaska trip 16 years ago. I don't think we used them since then!
After a hearty breakfast the 3 of us headed out in warm, waterproof clothes to the local bike shop to get some rentals. It was around 50 degrees out.
Anchorage is not what I would call an attractive town. It's rather industrial looking and worn. When we went to our fancy dinner out last night, the restaurant decor seemed straight out of 1980. 
Away from the city, the landscape and the flowers make for a nicer experience.

 The Tony Knowles Coastal Trail is an 11 mile paved road along the west perimeter of town. Knowles was governor of Alaska.
We biked through the Ship Creek area to find the Fish Hatchery. Although we gor a bit lost at first, we eventually fpu d it.  Much of the "wild" salmon is actually grown first in a hatchery, then released in streams throughout this part of Alaska. The exhibits were informative and explained how eggs and sperm are removed from wild fish, then mixed and incubated until ready for release back into the wild.

After our stop, we returned to the trail for more biking and sightseeing.
We stopped at Earthquake Park, which shows where the land split and much of the coastal area slid into the ocean in 1964.

 These potent wild roses were growing everywhere.

Looking out to Anchorage, and bidding farewell to a relaxing 2 days!

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